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January 2021

kitchen spring cleaning

Spring Cleaning for Your Kitchen

If you’re considering getting some spring cleaning done in your home, there’s no better place to get started than the kitchen. Your kitchen deserves to be given the treatment it deserves since it’s the place where you prepare hearty meals. It’s also the place that gets dirty more often than not.  With that being said, it’s never too late or too early to do some spring cleaning in your kitchen. Here are a few tips… Read More »Spring Cleaning for Your Kitchen

clutter-free kitchen

Tips for a Clutter-Free Kitchen

Your kitchen should be free of clutter after a long day of whipping up hearty meals. Decluttering this area of your home is one of the most important steps to keeping it clean and organized before you prepare for your next big meal.  After all, the last thing you would want in your kitchen would be utensils in places you don’t want them to be or even ingredients that have left stubborn stains on the… Read More »Tips for a Clutter-Free Kitchen

handling cleaning chemicals

Safety Tips for Handling Cleaning Chemicals

While  they do much of the heavy duty working cleaning your home, certain cleaning chemicals can do harm if you are not careful handling them.  For sure, they can be dangerous if used improperly, which is why it’s important to follow the instructions before applying them.  For that, here are a few tips for using cleaning chemicals around the house: Clean smart and safe It’s always important to use your head when working with cleaning… Read More »Safety Tips for Handling Cleaning Chemicals